Think like an Acoustician! Pt.1

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Lesson 1 of 4
02h : 0m

Ingenia Context [10 min]

Script: Hello, scientists and welcome to Ingenia’s Acoustics Test Lab. At this lab, acousticians, scientists who study sound, run many different experiments and tests to learn about the science of sound. Have you heard the word acoustics before? What do you think it means? Wait for student response. You may have heard the word acoustics in context related to a building or space. Like how people say that bathrooms have great acoustics. What they are talking about are the properties of sound and how sound travels in that space. What other spaces or buildings do you know of that have good acoustics? Wait for student response. What about those spaces do you think makes them good spaces for sound? Wait for student response. 

We’re glad to have you here with us as apprentice Acousticians at the Acoustics Test Lab. Today, you’ll learn all about sound and how sound travels. What do you already know about sound? Wait for student response.


Sound Waves [15 mins] 

Script: We can hear sounds because sounds vibrate and travel in waves. When that vibration reaches our eardrums, the vibration transfers a signal to our brains resulting in a sound we can hear. To learn more, let’s watch this video.

10 min Watch: Pause the video at the 8:05 minute mark (Note: you will need to create a free account to watch) 

Generation Genius: Wave Properties (

5 min Discuss:

  • What are waves? Waves are repeating motions that transfer energy from place to place. Waves exhibit repeating patterns.
  • How does sound travel? Sound is not visible, but it travels as a wave that causes air particles to vibrate. The vibrating particles move in a wave pattern themselves causing sound to travel through the air.
  • Why does the salt vibrate and move when the speaker is turned on? When music is played, the sound waves cause the salt to vibrate just like sound waves cause air particles to vibrate.

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Sound Wave Centers [65 mins] 

Students will rotate through various centers that provide opportunities to explore sound and sound waves.

Materials Instructions
Sound Wave Center: Metal
- 3 Slinkys
- 3 Tin Can Phones Connected with Wire
- For each can phone: 2 cans, ~3 feet of wire‍

- Sound Wave Center: Water
- 3 Large Plastic Containers
- Access to Water
- 3 20oz Plastic Bottles (bottoms cut off)
- 6 Metal Spoons‍

- Sound Wave Center: Instruments
- Various instruments where vibration is visible like bongos, drums, guitars, ukuleles, etc. (at least 3).‍

- Sound Wave Center: Chrome Music
- 3 Internet-Capable Devices
- 3 Headphone Splitters
- 6 Sets of Headphones
- Chrome Music Lab‍
- Chrome Music Lab
Prepare the Sound Wave Centers:
1. Set up each center spread out around your classroom.
2. Create the tin can phones: punch a hole in the bottom of each tin can. Tie the wire across the two cans.
3. Prepare the plastic bottles: cut off the bottoms.
4. Fill the plastic containers halfway with water.
5. Increase the number of set-ups at each center if your class size exceeds 24.

5 min Script: We’ve been learning about how sound travels via waves, or repeated patterns of pressure moving through air or other material. Think about the sounds you hear in everyday life, like your morning alarm, your favorite song, or the school bell. Can you see these sound waves? No, we don’t see these sound waves. Typically, we can’t observe sound waves, but there are experiments we can do to help us visualize and observe sound waves. Today, you’ll rotate through four different Sound Wave Centers. You’ll move through the centers with a partner. Each center will have a total of 6 students at it.

10 min: Demonstrate how students will engage in each center:

Metal: Try both experiments. 

  • Slinky: each partner will stand at each end of the slinky. Hold the slinky up without slack, but not tight. One person will use a pushing motion to send a pulse, or wave, along the slinky. Once the wave has completed, the other person can try. Experiment: what happens if you wave one end of the slinky up, place the slinky on the floor, etc?
  • Tin Can phones: Each person will take one can. Stretch the wire taught between you. Take turns talking into the can and listening. Experiment: what happens if the wire is loose, if you stretch the wire around a corner, if you place the wire across a desk or table, etc.?


  • Stand at either end of the container. One person will hold the bottle in the water with the opening to their ear. The other person will use the metal spoons to make sound. Then you will swap. Experiment: what happens when you hit the spoons together under water, just above the water, against the side of the container, etc?


  • Try out the various instruments. How is the sound from these instruments made? What part of the instrument is vibrating to make the sound? Think about other instruments you know. Do they work in similar or different ways? 

Music Making:

  • Play around with the Assisted Melodies and Blob Opera activities. 
  • How do these online interactives model how sound moves? 

40 min Assign partners and dismiss students to the centers. Every ~10 minutes, rotate groups to the next center.

10 min Upon completion, lead a whole group discussion about the Sound Wave Centers. Ask the following questions:

  • Which center was most helpful for you in understanding sound waves?
  • If you could return to one center which one would it be? Why?
  • Do you think the material that sound waves travel through makes a difference? Why or why not?


Sound Waves in Action [10 mins] 

Lead students in a whole group activity where they act out how sound travels when you’re jamming out to music in a car.

NOTE: This activity involves physical contact. Talk through the rules and expectations of safe, kind, and fun physical contact as a class before engaging in the activity.

  1. Assign one student to be the “speaker” or source of sound.
  2. Assign one student to be the “windshield” in the car. Note: the “windshield” will eventually be bumped out of place to demonstrate how sound waves can break glass. Consider selecting a student who will be comfortable in that role, or consider acting as the windshield yourself.
  3. The remaining students will be air particles.

TIP: You can have students create or print out images to attach to themselves representing their role.

  1. Line students up with the “speaker” and “windshield” at opposite ends of the line.
  2. Tell the “speaker” to start making quiet music, or vibrating slightly to start.
  3. As the “speaker” bumps the nearest air particle, the air particle should continue the movement to create the wave pattern. If the bump is slight (quiet sound) the wave motions in the air particles should also be slight.
  4. Incrementally instruct the “speaker” to increase the volume of their sound–make more forceful bumps to the air particle beside them.
  5. You can continue playing until the “windshield” is bumped out of place, mimicking how sound vibrations can crack glass.

*Mystery Science offers a similar activity with further instructions here:

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Sound in Outer Space [15 min]

5 min Discuss:

  • What would happen if you took the car into space where there is no air? Could you still break the windshield using sound?

5 min Watch: Mystery Science: Sound Vibration (

5 min Discuss:

  • Why is there no sound in space? There is no air, which means there are no particles to vibrate and transfer the sound. Sound needs something to vibrate in order to make audible noise.
  • Do you think there is sound inside of a spaceship or on the International Space Station? Why or why not? Yes, there is sound on a spaceship and on the ISS because we pump air into those spaces for astronauts to breathe. That means the air particles can vibrate to transfer sound.

Homework [5 min]

Have students continue exploring the Blob Opera and Assisted Melody interactives:

Have students record their responses to the following questions:

  • What are some different ways these experiments model sound waves?
  • Which visualization of sound waves do you like best? Why?
  • Write or draw about how music uses a combination of sound waves to create a song or symphony.

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