Think like a Product Design Engineer!

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Lesson 1 of 4
02h : 0m

Ingenia Context [10 min]: 

Script: Welcome to Ingenia’s Engineering Laboratories! There are many different kinds of engineers working on different projects within these labs. An engineer is a person who designs and builds things to solve a problem or make tasks easier. 

A Product Design Engineer creates, tests and improves product designs for things that we use everyday, including things we have around our classroom! Product Design Engineers have a lot of jobs to complete such as figuring out the requirements for a product, creating blueprints or “plans” for a product, and even figuring out things like how much it will cost to develop a new product. Can you think of a product you use that might have been designed by a Product Design Engineer? Why do you think it was designed the way it was? [pause for student responses]

Product Design Engineers use existing technologies to design products and may even help design new technologies that do not exist yet. They need to know a lot about what technology is. Today, you will be learning from Ingenia Lab’s Product Design Engineers. You will be learning what technology is and even looking at some technologies designed by engineers. Are you ready to get started?


What is Technology?  [20 mins] 

Materials: Projecting capability and chalkboard for listing discussion notes.

Opening Discussion Script [5 min]: Today we are going to begin learning about technology. Does anyone know what “technology” is? [Pause for student answers. Students will likely list digital technologies like cell phones or tablets] Technology is anything made by people to solve a problem. What are some technologies that you use everyday? [Pause for student answers. Write a list on the chalkboard]. 

Identifying Technology Game [15 min]: Many of you named modern technologies like phones, computers, and ipads as technology you use everyday. These are great examples! But “technology” does not just refer to modern electronic devices. Did you know that throughout history, people have invented technology to make their lives easier? Just like modern Product Design Engineers, inventors throughout history have been planning and innovating new products.  Let’s take a look at 5 pictures and guess what these inventions were for. 

Project the images on this Kid’s Britannica Page* to discuss one at a time (click the first image on the upper left side to enter a full-screen carousel of images): Technology & Invention ( Pause on each picture to give students time to guess what the tool is and when it might have been created. 

  1. Tools created out of pieces of stone built in the Stone Age. 
  2. A machine called the New Castle built in 1803
  3. The electric light bulb
  4. Home security system 
  5. Hearing aid 

* Resource: Kid’s Britannica article “Technology and Invention”

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Technologies in Our Classroom [20 min]

Script: Now that you know what technology is, let’s go for a technology scavenger hunt right here in our classroom! I will read a prompt or clue and you will walk around and find something in the classroom that my clue describes. Remember, there might be more than one right answer to each clue! When you think you have found an answer, stop and raise your hand. I will call on volunteers to share what they have found. Are you ready to start? Let’s find a…

  • …. a technology that helps us draw (e.g., pencils, chalk, crayons, etc.)
  • …. a technology that helps us do math (e.g., calculator, counting beads, etc.)
  • …. a technology that helps us sit (e.g., chair, cushions, etc.)
  • …. a technology that helps us type (e.g., computer, etc.)
  • …. a technology that helps us play games (e.g., tablets/ipads, board games, etc.)
  • …. a technology that helps us create art (e.g., paintbrushes, easel, computer, tablet, etc.)

*Teaching Note: Modify the list of technologies based on what can be found in their own classroom. Consider a list that leans into more digital technologies or more traditional classroom materials based on their own setting. 

Technologies and Hearing [35 mins] 

To build an understanding of different technologies people use related to hearing, students circulate through centers where they can explore different technologies.

Materials: for the class Preparation
- Technology and Hearing Station Signs
- 4-5 pairs of ear bud headphones
- 4-5 pairs of over-ear headphones
- 4-5 pairs of ear muffs or over-ear headbands
- Ear plugs, enough for all students
- Print the signs (consider laminating for reuse).
- Place each sign and the associated material at different stations around the room. Increase the number of stations as needed depending on your class size.

*Decide whether students can place these technologies on or in their ears.

5 min Script: We have been learning about sound and how people and animals hear sounds. There are also technologies that help us to hear sound or block sound. Today, you’ll explore different technologies that we use related to hearing.

5 min Show students the 4 different stations and read aloud each sign. Explain that they will have ~5 minutes at each station to explore the different technologies. Tell students that as they explore, they should think about the following:

  • What is this technology made of?
  • What is this technology used for?
  • Does this technology help you hear things or block out other sounds? How do you know?
  • What are some things the Product Design Engineer who designed this technology might have been thinking about (shape, size, style, colors, materials, etc.)?

25 min Dismiss students in groups to each station. Every ~5 mins have students rotate to the next station until all students have explored all of the technologies.

*TIP: Consider rotating the objects and signs instead of having students rotate or have a set of objects and signs for each small group. This can reduce transition time and aid in classroom management.

5 min Gather students together. Lead a group discuss:

  • What is this technology made of?
  • What is this technology used for?
  • Does this technology help you hear things or block out other sounds? How do you know?
  • Why do you think someone decided to create this technology?
  • What are some things the Product Design Engineer who designed this technology might have been thinking about (shape, size, style, colors, materials, etc.)? 

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What is an Engineer? [15 mins] 

Script [5 min]: An engineer is a person who designs and builds things to solve a problem or make tasks easier. From toys to tools, engineers design the human-made things we use everyday. There are many different kinds of engineers. Let’s take a look at a short video to learn more about engineering. 

Video [5 min]: Watch the SciShow Kids video “Solve Problems: Be An Engineer!” on Youtube:  Solve Problems: Be an Engineer! (

Discuss and Debrief [5 min] Reflect on the SciShow Kids video using one or more of the following prompts:

  • What did you learn about what engineers do? (design/create things that solve problems)
  • You already learned about Product Design Engineers earlier in our lesson. What were some of the other engineers you learned about in this video? (mechanical engineers, aerospace engineers, software engineers, etc.)
  • Why is engineering important? (solve problems, make things we use everyday, etc.)
  • What type of engineering do you think will exist in the future? (pause for student answers, encourage students to imagine what jobs or problems might exist for engineers to solve in 50 or 100 years)

I Can Engineer! [15 min]

Script [5 min]: Did you know any of us can be an engineer? An engineer is someone who solves problems and creates solutions. Let’s think of a few ways that we might already be doing this! Can any of you share a time when you solved a problem or created something that helped make a task easier? [Pause of student answers. Keep a list on the board. Examples can include anything but may include things like: creating a box to help store toys, fixing a book or toy that was broken using tape or glue, making a gift for a friend, etc.] 

Read Aloud and Discuss [10 min]: We’re going to read a book called Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty and learn about a character named Rosie who also wanted to be an engineer. 

Read the book aloud or play this Youtube read-aloud video recording (~6 min):   💪Rosie Revere, Engineer (Read Aloud books for kids) Andrea Beaty | Storytime Science (

Discuss and debrief on the book using one or more of the following prompts:

  • Why was Rosie so discouraged when she built the airplane for Aunt Rose? Have you ever felt like this?
  • What was your favorite invention in the book?
  • Why are failures important when engineering?
  • If you could engineer anything, what would it be?

Homework [5 min] 

Students can think back to the technology scavenger hunt that they did in their classroom and go on a similar scavenger hunt at home! Encourage students to explore their homes to find technologies that: help their family make food, help keep them warm, help entertain them, etc. Remember, do not be limited by digital technologies! Students should look for any human-made creations that help them solve problems. 

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