Think like a Remote Sensing Scientist! Pt.4

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Lesson 4 of 4
02h : 0m

Ingenia Context [5 min]

Script: As remote sensing scientists, you’ve been learning a lot about how sensors help us to understand the world and universe around us. But did you know that sensors can be used to make everyday tasks easier? In the past few decades, the idea of “smart” objects and places has really taken off! Here in Ingenia, we use smart technology to open doors, play music, track our activity, and more! Do you use any smart technology in your life? (wait for student response) Today, the Remote Sensing Lab is beginning the process to develop some new smart objects and we could use your help! To start, let’s learn more about existing smart technologies.


What makes a technology “smart”? [15 mins] 

10 min Watch: Select about 10 minutes of this video to watch with students.

5 min Discuss:

  • Do you use any smart technologies at home? If so, what do you use?
  • What smart technology would you want to try that you haven’t used before? Why?
  • If you could make any object into a smart object what would it be and why?
  • What makes an object “smart”? Accept all responses.

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Designing a Smart Object  [80 mins] 

Students will brainstorm, plan, and build a model of a smart object of their own imagination.

Materials: for the class
- Paper
- Writing and drawing utensils like pencils, colored pencils, crayons, and markers
- Craft materials like: foam, felt, popsicle sticks, pom poms, string, beads, glue, tape, etc.
- Recyclables like: small boxes, lids, plastic bottles, egg cartons, toilet paper and paper towel rolls, etc.
- Optional: If students are familiar with CAD software (like TinkedCAD) allow students to use the software to create the model.

5 min Script: Sensors help us learn about all kinds of things in the world around us. They can even make normal objects smarter and more useful! Today, you’ll imagine your own smart object, draw a plan for what it would do, and then construct a model of it using craft and recycled materials or online using Computer Assisted Design (CAD). Your smart object needs to use at least one sensor.

5 min Lead a discussion to support brainstorming:

  • Think about an object you use on a regular basis. How could it be improved if it used sensors and smart technology? 
  • What type of sensor/s would improve the technology?
  • What would the object look like?
  • How would it work?

60 min Dismiss students to brainstorm, draw a plan, and then create a model of their smart object.

10 min Have students turn and talk using the following questions:

  • What smart object did you design?
  • How does it work?
  • What sensors does it use?
  • How does this design improve the original object?

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The Iterations of a Smartphone  [15 mins] 

5 min Watch: History of Cellphones and How Drastically They’ve Changed (

10 min Discuss & Debate:

  • Would you consider the first cell phone, the car phone, a smart object? Why or why not?
  • How did Apple change the smartphone industry with the first iPhone? By creating a phone with just a screen, no buttons.
  • This video was made in 2017, how have smartphones continued to change since then? What capabilities do smartphones have now that they may not have had 5 years ago?
  • The video discusses the possibility of implantable phones via a microchip. Would you get an implant? Why or why not?

Homework [5 min]

Have students find at least 3 smart technologies in their neighborhood or home. Have students record the technology they found, what sensor/s it relies upon, and how it makes life easier for people.

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