Think like an Engineer! Pt.4

Course Content

Lesson 4 of 4
02h : 20m

Ingenia Context: The Hat Job  [5 mins]

Script: Hello everyone, now you have learned about conductivity, series and parallel circuit and you understand how things light up. Today is the Light Up! Show where you will be using what you learned about circuits to create a hat that lights up.  You will each be creating a hat and you will decide what the hat will look like and which circuit you will use to light it up. You will be working for a client that wants a hat that is attractive and that lights up. The materials available will be: colored tissue paper, construction paper, colored masking tape, led lights, copper tape, a battery and other decorative items. 

Have a sampling of the materials on display for students to see it.


Designing Your Hat [10 mins]

Students should sketch some ideas of how the hat will look like and where the lights will be placed on the hat. Tell students they are sketching ideas to answer the following questions:

  • What will our hat look like?
  • How will it light up?
  • What kind of circuit will it have?
  • Will it have a switch to turn it on and off?


Building Your Hat [20 mins]

Give students some time to explore the materials to figure out if they will work well with the ideas they sketched. 

Then, have students gather the materials and work on building the structure of the hat.


Making a Hypothesis: Circuitry in Your Hat [10 mins]

After they finish the structure of the hat, students should design the circuit for the lights. Remind students to make sure that they consider the following:

  • The placement of the battery
  • The way they will attach the battery to the hat 
  • The placement of the copper tape to complete a circuit 
  • The placement of the LED lights.

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Design Your Light Up Hat [50 mins]

Give students time to build their hats and to try them out and make sure they light up. If the hats don’t light up, they should revise their design and try again. Explain to them this is part of the engineering process, to try out ideas and when they don’t work, think about what you can change and try again to make it work.

Materials Instructions
- LED bulbs (3-5 per group)
- Copper tape with conductive adhesive (6 feet group)
- 1 CR2032 Coin Cell Battery
- Cardstock and/or construction paper (1 ream of cardstock and 2 reams of construction paper in an assortment of colors per class)
- Cardboard (from recycled boxes or cereal boxes, at least one cereal box or equivalent amount of cardboard per group)
- Tissue paper (2 pack of multicolored paper per class)
- Feathers (1 bag per class for decorations)
- Pipe cleaners (100 per class for decorations)
- Masking Tape (1 set per class, if possible, colored to add to the design of the hats)
1. Add the circuit you designed to your hat. You might choose to have a series or a parallel circuit.
2. Test your hat and make sure it lights up.
3. If your hat doesn’t light up, ask yourself what is not working. Brainstorm some ideas of what you could change or try to make it work.
4. Try your new idea and test it until your hat lights up.

Monitor students as they work on their projects. Ask questions such as: 

  • What kind of circuit are you using? (simple, parallel or series)
  • How will you connect the circuit to the power source?
  • What else could you try to make this work?
  • Did you check that there is good contact between the tape and the power source?
  • Did you check that there is a good connection between the tape and the lights?
  • Have you checked that the positive side of the battery is connected to the positive wire on the light?
  • Have you checked that the negative side of the battery is connected to the negative wire on the light?

Some of the issues with circuits not working can be that there is not a good connection between the copper tape or that there is no good contact between the lights and the copper tape. Refrain from trying to solve the problem for students but rather asking questions to guide them into solving it themselves.

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Prepare for the Parade [10 mins]

Script: Each of you will be part of the parade to present your creation. You will need to explain what kind of circuit you used, how you built the hat and how it works. If there is extra time, you can talk about a difficulty that you encountered and how you solved them. 

Give students a few minutes to jot down the following in preparation for the parade:

  • The type of circuit they used: simple, parallel, or series
  • The materials they used to build the hat and how they built it.
  • A short explanation of how their hat works. 


Light Up Parade [15 mins]

Host a parade where each student gets a chance to show the hat they created and explain how they built it, the circuit they used, how it works and share any difficulties they encountered and how they solved them.

Homework [5 mins]

Ask students to think how they could design another piece of clothing that could light up. They should create a drawing of this piece of clothing, specify the materials they would use and make sure to show the circuit with all its elements, including a power source, in their design.

EXTENSION [ 5 mins]

Show the following video to show more applications of LED lights in fashion. (  

After watching the video discuss with students:

  • Did you know that fashion designers can also use engineering in order to light up clothes?
  • How can a hat that lights up be useful in your life?
  • Would you buy clothes or hats that light up? How could you use them?


Closing Activity [10 mins]

Have students share something they learned about electricity, circuits, conductors and insulators, jobs in engineering and the engineering design process. Ensure each student shares by tossing the energy ball to the person sharing and have them pass it to the next person.

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