Students learn about the features and behaviors that make different animals unique and recognizable. Students create an animal caricature and a caricature of themselves to focus on distinct features.
In this lesson, students learn about animal behavior through research and a game.
Students learn about and create “miximals,” a creative concept where two or more animals are mashed up to create an illustration of a new animal.
Students apply what they’ve learned about animal features, behaviors, and about mixmals to draft a hypothesis of the mystery animal and create a model of it.
Students learn about biomimicry and use the concept of biomimicry to brainstorm and design ideas inspired by animals.
Students apply what they’ve learned about biomimicry in design to create a textile and safety design inspired by animals.
Students dig into how different animals use echolocation through research and a game.
Students learn how different animal features and behaviors help them stay safe. Then, students design an animal signal inspired by what they learned.